
NB: Abstract submissions for Diversity Interventions 2022 are now closed. A book of all accepted abstracts made available at the conference is available for downloading here: https://diversityinterventions.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/all_accepted_abstracts.pdf In due course, all accepted abstracts will be published in BMC Proceedings – an online open access journal devoted specifically to conference publications of a cross- or multi-disciplinary nature. Below are legacy instructions.

Delegates are invited to submit abstracts by 1 April 2022. Please submit your abstract here https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/2652/submitter

The conference will run in tandem between Australia and the UK:

  • 5-6 April 2022 in Australia as a fully online event
  • 7-8 April 2022 in Oxford, UK as a hybrid in-person and online event (subject to Covid-19 restrictions).

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by researchers and practitioners with a view to strengthening the quality of reporting and selecting abstracts for either in-person or online presentation. All accepted abstracts will be shared with the delegates of both the Australian and UK conferences.

Regardless of whether delegates are able to attend in person, all accepted abstracts will be published in BMC Proceedings – an online open access journal devoted specifically to conference publications of a cross- or multi-disciplinary nature.

Abstract submission support

We are encouraging abstract submissions from gender equity, diversity, and inclusion practitioners, policymakers, advocates, researchers, and academics from any discipline. Please contact the Organising Committee if you would like to discuss your ideas for an abstract or require advice on how to write it.

Abstract types

We are inviting abstracts in the following categories:

  • Research:Quantitative and qualitative investigations seeking to evaluate or compare interventions or action plans, explore new phenomena or trends over time, or deepen our understanding of implementation processes or perceptions of people.
  • Practice:A practitioner’s account of the development of interventions or action plans, implementation experiences, novel ideas, good practice, or opinions on topical issues that are likely to be interesting and useful to practitioners in other organisations.
  • Workshop:A proposal for an interactive session led by facilitators to guide translation of good practice or promote skills development and collaborative learning.


We are inviting research abstracts, practice abstracts, and workshop proposal abstracts on all aspects of designing, implementing, and evaluating gender equality, diversity, and inclusion interventions and action plans.Suggested themes include but are not limited to:

  • Gender equality action plans
  • Innovative interventions
  • Translating lessons and successes
  • Professional development of EDI practitioners
  • Institutional/departmental maturity
  • Meaningful partnerships and co-design
  • Impact of Covid-19 on EDI.

Submission guidelines

  • Abstracts can only be submitted via the Oxford Abstracts submission portal https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/2652/submitter
  • The word limit is 500 words including figure/table and references.
  • You may include one figure/image (resolution of at least 300 dpi) OR one table (maximum size: 6 columns by 12 rows).
  • Tables count towards the word limit and must be in text form, not an image.
  • Figure/image titles and legends are provided in the abstract, not in the image.
  • Figure keys are incorporated into the image, not into the legend of the figure.
  • Figure/image must be uploaded in TIFF, JPEG, or PNG format.
  • A maximum of five references can be included. References are formatted in the Vancouver reference style.

Research abstracts are structured into the following sections:

  • Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • References

Practice abstracts may be structured into the same sections as research abstracts or unstructured.

Workshop proposals should: specify the focus issue(s), summarise case examples of interventions or skills that will be shared at the workshop, describe how the presenter(s) will help participants develop similar strategies or skills, or co-create ways to translate good practice more widely.

Please ensure that your abstract does not contain typos or errors. If accepted, it will be reproduced as submitted.

Abstract review process

Abstract submissions (and subsequent publication) for the Australian and UK conferences will be managed by a joint international committee.

Abstracts submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Abstract Selection Committee.

At part of the review process, the Abstract Selection Committee will provide feedback to authors on how to strengthen the quality of their submitted abstracts, and authors will be provided with an opportunity to revise their abstract.

Oral presentations and workshops

All accepted abstracts will be published electronically and shared with the delegates of both the Australian and UK conferences.  When submitting your abstract, you will also be asked to indicate whether you wish to deliver an oral presentation or workshop. Due to the time difference between the UK and Australia, you can choose to present at both conferences.

Remember to register

Abstract submission and/ or acceptance does not provide registration to the conference. In order to attend, please remember to register here: https://cvent.me/17nDka